St Paul's Ambulance Cadet Division
a socially responsible group
Social Service Project
Community service is one of our highlighted projects of the year. In community service, we will collaborate with other St. John divisions and hold 2 -3 activities days for various disadvantaged groups such as elderly, ethics minorities, single-parented childrenand mentally handicapped persons. The organizing committee consists of 8 committees (4 from each division). The organizing committee has to plan for all the details of the service, for instance, task games and maybe site visit (e.g. museum).
The projects can help cadets nurture a willingness to help others and put their pledge and mission in action.
Flag Selling & Crowd Control
Upon public request, Cadets will assist charitable organizations in flag selling and community projects. Crowd Control service will also be provided if necessary.
Health Promotion Day
Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Brigade to provide residents in the districts is suitable for all ages and social strata involved in the home safety, first aid and health promotion day. Activities include health checks, display panels, first-aid demonstrations, game booths, ambulance exhibitions, stage performances, first-aid equipment displays and health talks. About 300 members from Cadet Command assist in the implementation of this activity.
Elderly Visit and Medical Check-up Service
To enhance the cadets concerned about the community, monthly visits with medical check-up services for the elderly are organized. Pre-training including communication skills and blood pressure measurement is conducted. Health messages are also presented to the frail elderly during the visits.
Past Social Services Held | ||||
2011 | ||||
Name of Service | Jointly held with | Name of Centre | Types of Clients | Committee Members |
香港文化之旅 | St Paul's Nursing | 融匯–少數族裔人士支援服務中心 |
少數族裔人士 | 曹志韜 盧婉婷 潘駿傑 鄧書婷 葉韻姸 陳泓謙 柯芷筠 黃浩維 陳琳 黃晉橋 |
2010 | ||||
小眼睛話當年 | SKH Lui Ming Choi Comb | 香港西區浸信會老人中心 | 老人 | 陳智深 謝芷茵 區梓瑩 潘駿傑 袁穎欣 楊嘉駿 林美貞 區珈偉 訐家嘉 關曉樺 |
2009 | ||||
綠色之旅 | 港島民生混合見習支隊 HKI Munsang Comb |
明愛賽馬會石塘咀青少年綜合服務 | 幼稚園高班學生 | 陳智深 王瑩儀 葉富茂 李靜茹 馮楚怡 張穎晞 楊嘉駿 潘駿傑 古雪凝 周妙賢 |
2008 | ||||
同一個世界,同一個夢想 | SKH Lui Ming Choi Comb | 聖雅各福群會麥潔蓮幼稚園幼兒中心 | 幼稚園高班學生 | 陳智深 曹志韜 黃國輝 古穎欣 楊迪斯 陳德熹 宋政謙 張穎晞 陳靜嫺 陳秀靖 |
2007 | ||||
香港傳統種類多,齊來發掘樂趣多 | Sacred Heart Nuring | 香港小童群益會上環青少年綜合服務中心 | 小學3-5年級 | 伍嘉儀 曹志韜 周曉薇 謝卓東 林曉欣 陳泓謙 林穎彤 盧梓諾 黃妍芳 鄭逸鋒 |
2006 | ||||
做個醒目老人家 | 聖公會鄧肇堅混合見習支隊 | 聖雅各福群會中西區長者地區中心 | 老人(60-80歲) | 吳敬樂 曹志韜 陳彥明 劉俊宏 鄧嘉兒 黃國輝 馮泳瑜 李卓輝 葉紹東 蘇偉蘭 |
環保長者智叻星 | 聖瑪加利混合見習支隊 | 聖公會聖路加福群會 | 老人 | 馮細華 曹志韜 陳冠武 楊天賜 甘樂生 陳卓思 杜泳芝 鄧言詩 梁晉堃 陳熙怡 |
2005 |
家居安全好重要,衛生常識要知曉,急救護理保安全,做個健康老人家。 | 聖保祿中學護士見習支隊 | 循道衛理灣仔長者服務中心 | 老人 | 陳志深 曹志韜 劉少麗 盧嘉聰 黃瑋諭 洪妙恩 楊天賜 李博斌 林雅雯 梁宇康 |
2004 | ||||
翱翔天際三天團 | 聖保羅護士見習支隊 | 香港基督教女青年會將軍澳綜合社會服務處 | 兒童 | 曹志韜 郭靜雯 周燕妮 陸紹楷 盧嘉聰 甯翊匡 何曉盈 吳鳳妮 |
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